Sunday, May 24, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Vaccinations Should Be Mandatory For All Children
Recently, many diseases that had been eradicated because of childhood vaccinations have been making an appearance. Health officials are concerned that diseases will spread and lives will be lost. Officials all agree that vaccinations will benefit the population. Some parents feel it is an infringement on the right to keep the children healthy and safe. Vaccinations should be mandatory for all children because it will prevent diseases from spreading, protect future generations, and save children and parents time and money. Childhood vaccinations have not been a topic of controversy until recent times. Due to the recent outbreaks of diseases that were thought to be eliminated, people are now investigating vaccinations. State representatives and Congressional people have even gotten on the bandwagon to emphasize the importance of vaccinations. Many states already require children to be vaccinated before entering school, but states allow religious, medical, or personal exemptions. Gettin g rid of these exemptions would be beneficial to not only parents and children, but also to members of society. Having children vaccinated at a young age when the immune system can respond correctly to vaccines will benefit the future health of children. Children are more at danger at a younger age to catch infectious diseases. Vaccines are a safe way to prevent the child from getting sick. â€Å"Proponents say that vaccination is safe and one of the greatest health developments of the 20th century†Show MoreRelatedEssay Vaccinations Should Be Mandatory For All Children1534 Words  | 7 Pagesunderstand why I needed shots. All I knew was this sharp thing was going to be stuck in my arm and it was going to hurt. Before I got my four year old shots I received my first set of vaccines, vaccines that people are now claiming are dangerous. Research shows that vaccination rates fell. MMR (mumps, measles, and rubella) vaccine rates dropped from 93.5% to 90.6%, tetanus, whooping c ough and diphtheria rates dropped from 87.2% to 85.4% in 2009. (Kluger) Why are vaccination rates dropping so significantlyRead MoreShould Vaccination Of All Children Be Made Mandatory By Law?867 Words  | 4 PagesThis paper will explore â€Å"Should Vaccination of All Children Be Made Mandatory by Law?†This effort deals with the fundamental role of vaccine in our life. To Whom It May Concern, ever since the beginning, over two centuries ago, there have been debates over the morals, integrity, effectiveness, and safety of vaccination and immunization. Today, there is a new law that obligates parents to vaccinate their children in order for them to enroll into a public school, which has started a massive disarrayRead MoreMandatory Vaccination Should Be Mandatory Vaccinations1228 Words  | 5 PagesMandatory vaccinations should be required for all citizens in the U.S. Having mandatory vaccinations will allow for well protected future generations that are susceptible to less health issues. With everyone being vaccinated there will be less occurrences of these diseases and sicknesses allowing future generations a more healthy life with fewer visits to the doctor’s office and hospital. Another reason to have mandatory vaccinations is that these vaccines are safe and approved by trusted medicalRead MorePros And Cons Of Vaccination1665 Words à ‚ | 7 PagesVaccinations, Worth A Shot! Mandated Vaccinations are a huge argument right now because of health and disease issues. There are people on both sides of this argument. Some people are against vaccinating their children because they feel they are being forced to have their child get vaccinated. While some people feel the need that vaccinations are important to protect themselves from any illness or diseases. Vaccinations should be mandatory for all schools and health care purposes. For one, peopleRead MoreMandatory Vaccinations1223 Words  | 5 Pages Mandatory vaccinations in public school in my opinion play a major role in children’s lives. They are safe and effective, they protect others we care about, and will protect our future generations. Throughout the years there have been thousands and thousands of children’s lives lost due to outbreaks of diseases such as polio and the measles causing many deaths among young children. Vaccinations that have become effective over the years, limiting these diseases if not getting rid of them periodRead MoreYes or No to Mandatory Vaccinations Essay832 Words  | 4 PagesYes or No to Mandatory Vaccinations Should vaccinations be mandatory for children entering school? At the present time, all fifty states in the United States require children entering public school to be vaccinated. However, no federal vaccination laws exist (, Children Vaccinations, Did you know?). Many parents hold religious beliefs against vaccination. Forcing such parents to vaccinate their children would violate the First Amendment, which guarantees citizens the right toRead MoreThe Case Of Mandatory Vaccination922 Words  | 4 PagesFriedman. Yet, in the case of mandatory vaccines, agreement on protecting another’s life is not universal; therefore we must further justify a policy of mandatory vaccination. Further justification for mandatory vaccinations is logically discerned by reading John Stuart Mill’s and Arthur Okun’s views on rights. In On Liberty, Mill articulates that the only form of acceptable coercion is through the â€Å"harm principle†or â€Å"other regarding.†This translates as no one can or should want to harm their neighbor;Read MoreMandatory Vaccination, and the High Risk of Vaccine-preventable Disease (VPD) to the Vaccine Refusal.1361 Words  | 6 PagesVaccinations demonstrate the benefits of preventing suffering and death from infectious diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccinations were approved as a number one on the list of the Ten Great Public Health Achievements for the United States from 1900 to 1999. If a critical number of people within a community are vaccinated against a particular illness, the entire group becomes less likely to get the disease. This protection is called communi ty, or herdRead MoreThe Medical Influence Of The American Medical Association1263 Words  | 6 PagesAssociation, has an 80,000 member group ready to lobby for mandatory vaccinations (Mihalovic n.p.). If their influence among legislators is strong enough, they can eventually force parents to vaccinate their children in order to access educational institutions. In history, only three provinces had mandatory requirements for vaccines, Ontario, Manitoba and New Brunswick. Nonetheless, proponents for mandatory vaccination believe that it should be done on a local scale. They believe that the large percentageRead MoreVaccinations : A Problem For Many Parents Essay1192 Words  | 5 Pagestheir children and other children at risk of catching diseases. Parents think that if their children’s classmates are not vaccinated it puts their children in danger, however, that was the main reason their children were vaccinated in the first place. Either way parents should have the right to decide whether to get their children vaccinated. Although, the vaccinations are supposed to protect children from certain diseases, it can actually be a danger itself. The possibility that vaccinations can
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Conscious Is At Target - 1299 Words
The Conscious is at Target Brave New World, an eye opening novel for our times. The importance of human conscious is essential to keep our freedom. As â€Å"Brave New World†Aldous Huxley novel a great work which brought every reader to ask to oneself if it will be possible to have that world in our proximity. The novel is so real that you can almost agree that in this writing Huxley had a prediction. His novel in my point of view can differ from many other critiques and I believe it goes hand in hand with Freud Sigmund theory, which consist of at least three levels of the mind, conscious, preconscious and unconscious, the unconscious he stated is the most important of the mind the part you cannot see. Brave New world, brings us many of the instincts individuals struggle with. Just as Freud explains we have a structural model of the mind comprising the entities id, ego and superego. Brave New World relate some of the characters to this theory, the Director of the BNW, the w riter Aldous Huxley, Bernard, Helmholtz and John his character is definitely one of the main characters using the theory throughout the novel. Brave New World brought a new way of thinking to readers, as was the way each of us interpret it’s meaning, there are critics who say the work hit close to home. While some critiques as MC Dowson stated â€Å"A lugubrious and heavy-handed piece of propaganda. (P.S. p8) I disagree with some of the critiques, in my point of view Huxley is using some of Freud Sigmund theoryShow MoreRelatedEssay on Lyft Stp896 Words  | 4 Pagesto get everyone who currently owns a car to join a trusted information network to share rides.†– Scott Weis, 2013 Lyft current specific segments are: †¢ Socially conscious †¢ Environment friendly †¢ Tech-savvy millennials †¢ Busy city professionals †¢ Population active at night o College towns o Large cities †¢ Cost conscious Lyfts’ general segments are: Criteria Segment Geographic region Across all United States Density Urban, Suburban, Rural Demographic age All ages Family size AllRead MoreSmoothie Business Marketing Plan1082 Words  | 5 Pages...for the health-conscious folks Table of Content Situation Analysis Summary........................2 SWOT Analysis..............................................2 Marketing Objectives....................................3 Marketing Strategies.....................................4 Positioning the Product................................5 1 ...for the health-conscious folks Situation Analysis Summary Smoothie Company is an entrepreneurial organization that produces fruit-and-yogurtbasedRead MorePerception And Perception Of The Conscious Mind1581 Words  | 7 PagesThe conscious mind is a widely debated, undefined phenomenon. It can and has been simplified to three manifestations, the conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious, however, it is yet to be fully agreed upon what consciousness actually is (Corsini Wedding, 2011). Block (2005) describes two very different types of consciousness; access consciousness and phenomenal consciousness. Phenomenal consciousness, similar to Searle’s (2000) qualitativeness, refers to a subjective ‘feeling’ which consciousRead Moremanagement1439 Words  | 6 PagesTarget Market Profile: Red Bull’s markets to young urban males ranging in age from 16 to 29 years old. These males live in a constantly exciting, adventurous and exerting lifestyle. They â€Å"live life on the edge†or try to and they usually are average build or go to the gym/work out on a consistent level. â€Å"Red Bull males†participate in competitive and extreme sports or any other kind of adventurous and recreational activities. Competitive gamers in the video game industry are also gravitating towardsRead MoreConscious Awareness In Mental Awareness991 Words  | 4 Pagesalso investigated fMRI on detecting conscious awareness in MCS patients. In the study, t he patients participated in an auditory task in the fMRI scanner. There were two different trials in the auditory task. One of them was a passive listening task, which acted as a baseline, the participants were signaled by the words â€Å"Listen all†each time before this trial. The other trial was a counting task, which required the participants to count the occurrence of the target word, they heard the words â€Å"count†Read MoreMarket Segmentation and Positioning1250 Words  | 5 PagesWrite a white paper on a company of your choice and discuss the market segmentation within that industry along with the target market for the company and the selection process for that target market. Required Elements: * No more than 2100 words * Include demographic, psychographic, geographic, and behavioral characteristics for the selected company. * A positioning statement for the company with careful consideration of their brand and strategy * Paper is consistent with APA guidelinesRead MoreReflection Of Reflection On Reflection1492 Words  | 6 Pagesperceptions or those conscious experiences that are linked to our sensory modalities, e.g. seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching; (3) our affective states or those conscious experiences such as emotions, feelings, and bodily sensations such as pains, itches, tingles, and cramps; (4) our concurrent actions, and (5) our mental processes such as decision-making and goal-setting. Now, currently ongoing, and recently past, mental states and process like these (1-5) are considered targets of introspectionRead MoreMarketing and Coffee-mate1163 Words  | 5 Pagescontrast to the competitor. 3. Should Coffee-Mate be mass marketed, aimed at one segment or aimed at multiple segments In mass marketing you are trying to serve the whole market with the same product. Companies have not always practiced target marketing. In fact, for most of the 1900s major consumer products companies held fast to mass marketing-mass producing, mass distributing, and mass promoting about the same product in about the same way to all consumers. Henry Ford epitomized thisRead MoreReed Case1482 Words  | 6 Pageshigh-end | | |unemployment. |offerings. | |3. |Supercenters operated on large scales and offered big |Reed lost cost-conscious customers, prosperous families with | | |discounts. |large storage areas, small businesses low to middle-income | | |Warehouse clubs sold in bulk, offering prices way belowRead MoreThe Robots Rebellion By Keith E. Stanovich897 Words  | 4 Pages This essay is to further explore the target which is the slides from lecture 17 consciousness using the slides Meanings and automatization by using examples from the book â€Å" The Robots Rebellion†by Keith E. Stanovich, which is the base to further explain and expand on these points. Consciousness can be linked to multiple things, such as how we do things, why we do things and anything that is related to being aware or awake. When a person is conscious of their behaviour, actions and abilities
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Factors That Moved Florence Into the Renaissance free essay sample
A part of their government was seven chosen men who they referred to as ‘senior guilds’ which formed a body of magistrates and ruled the city. This government was created so that it could preserve Florence from the rise of terrible city tyrants who were out to get many cities. This government introduced situations of the city as public matter rather than private matter. Anyone a part of this government had to be elected or appointed. No positions were inherited to people. People elected their rulers and it was the ruler’s responsibilities to help the concerns of all the people rather than just a few. The second factor that moved Florence in to the Renaissance was the rise of Fine Art; starting with paintings. In the late 15th century many artists came around to some very famous pieces and new concepts of art. One artist that played a major role in this was Gentile Da Fabriano. We will write a custom essay sample on Factors That Moved Florence Into the Renaissance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He’s most famous for his new Gothic International painting, the â€Å"Adoration of the Magi. This piece of art became the new talk of the town. It incorporated many influences from all over Europe, not just Italy. It also purposed many ideas and storytelling, which was something that hadn’t been done at this time yet. Another famous artist, which many of us know today, Leonardo Da Vinci. He’s most famous for his painting of the â€Å"Mona Lisa†mostly because of her interesting smile. The third factor that moved Florence in to the Renaissance was the introduction of Humanism. Within the late 14th and early 15th century, a new perspective of learning, writing, creating, and even thinking arose. Humanism seeks after the incredible importance on people rather than the divine or supernatural matters. This allowed many people to turn away from the Medieval Ages to a new age. A famous scholar Pico Della Mirandola convinced that all human learning could be synthesized in a way such as to yield basic and elementary truths. The fourth factory that moved Florence in to the Renaissance was music. In the 15th century most musicians were from the North but had exchanged ideas and developed a new musical idiom. One famous musician and composer was Guillaume Dufay. He was known as the world’s most famous composer of that century. He studied music and singing and also was a part of the Papal choir in Rome. He later went on to teach and composer some of the most famous music pieces of his generation. 2. What are the stylistic characteristics of Florentine Renaissance painting? Give Examples. There are so many different characteristics that set these painting done in the renaissance apart from any other paintings. One of the stylistic characteristics would be the introduction of realism through the arts. Making paintings and sculptures more real and relative to what the artists may be going through or see in their daily lives. Another characteristic would be how more and more painting was representing religion. Whether it is religious figure, scenes from scriptures, or religious theories, they were all being covered. One example of that would be Leonardo Da Vinci’s â€Å"The Last Supper. †In that painting it shows Jesus having his last dinner with his twelve disciples. The next characteristic that you will see in the Renaissance paintings would be its depiction of human emotion and portraits. Many artists did this to show realism, and to also show their intelligence and beauty of the human body. For example, in Leonardo Da Vinci’s sculpture of ‘David’ you have seen a grown man completely naked; in the position the Italians call contraposto. 3. How do the Fondling Hospital and the Pazzi Chaple show the influence of Roman Architecture? The Foundling Hospital built in 1419 and designed by Filippo Brunelleschi, started out as a place for orphan and abandoned children to go to and later turned into a hospital. Both of these building represent a change in not only the outward appearance but also the reconstruction of the Renaissance. The Foundling Hospital had lots of domes and arches, including colorful grey and green stones to spice up the place. It also had many slender columns, and classical molding all around the buildings. Arches, domes, and columns became very famous in architecture during the renaissance. It was a style that hadn’t been seen before. The Pazzi Chapel was a religious building and it was built in 1429 by Andrea Pazzi. It too had slender and larger columns, colorful stone, arches and domes. Both building represented a new way of designing and constructing building. 4. Why was Cosimo De’ Medici significant in the development of the Renaissance in Florence? Cosimo Medici was a very well known banker in Italy and was close friends with many popular and intelligent professors, collector of books and patrons of the arts. He made an effort to study Greek and even founded the Platonic Academy for the study of Plato. He later on wrote his own compendium of Platonism called, â€Å"Theologia Platonica. †His family, also known as the Medici Family, supported many artists, writers, and deep thinkers, with their money. His family also established the modern â€Å"banking†system which we still use today. Actually the word bank was derived from the Italian word â€Å"banco†which translates to â€Å"counter†or â€Å"table†in which money is exchanged.
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