Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Writing Assignment over Demian by Hermann Hesse essays
Writing Assignment over Demian by Hermann Hesse essays Demian, written by Hermann Hesse and first published in 1919, is, at its heart, a novel of self-discovery and self-actualization. The novel itself, an autobiographical novel that was written by Emil Sinclair, the focus of the story, is meant to show an old man, whose voyage of self-discovery is coming to a close, and his recollections of past events and their ability to shape his current world-view. Central to the novel is this relationship between the current incarnation of ones own personality and the past events which have gradually made such introspective aspects of oneself to emerge and take shape. While at many times asserting clearly and poignantly that the past is something which must be let go by an individual in order to carry on down the path that leads to ones true self, hidden within the novel is the assertion that the past forms us and shapes us and should never be let go of fully, but, instead, should always be kept as an afterimage of what once was. It is only th en that we can begin to find our own road of self-actualization. This does not seem to be done by accident, as, in other cases of other such themes in Demian, Hesse cleverly uses the duality of nature approach. He constantly sees the world as a world dynamically split into two realms, a dark, evil realm and a light, heavenly realm. Ignorance of one realm is, according to Hesse, a flaw in ones own humanity, and must be overcome in order to reach the promised nirvana of self realization. The older, somewhat wiser Sinclair often states that the past is one of the personal obstacles which must be overcome in order to find ones true self. He states that very many are caught in [an] impasse, and forever cling painfully to an irrevocable past, the dream of lost paradise, which is the worst and most ruthless of all dreams (Demian 41). To Sinclair, a dream of what...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Stationary vs. Stationery
Stationary vs. Stationery Stationary vs. Stationery Stationary vs. Stationery By Mark Nichol Writers have long been stymied by the resemblance between stationary and stationery, or by ignorance of the fact that distinct words exist to describe the condition of motionlessness and the class of materials for written correspondence. Progress may make this point moot, because our society is slowly but inexorably abandoning stationery as a medium of communication, but it’s still important to make the distinction. Stationery is so spelled because it’s derived from stationer, the archaic word for a bookseller or publisher; these merchants also sold writing materials and implements. (Stationer, in turn, stems from the Latin term stationem, meaning â€Å"station,†which acquired the sense of â€Å"market stall.†Of course, the Latin word is the origin of stationary, too. Something stationary is something that is maintaining its station.) Similar-looking words don’t share that direct etymology but are related. Static, as an adjective meaning â€Å"showing little change,†comes from the Greek word statikos, â€Å"causing to stand,†which was borrowed into Latin as staticus. The basis of statikos also led to stasis, which means â€Å"slowing,†â€Å"stagnation,†or â€Å"stability.†State, status, statute, statistic, and statue, as well as the suffix -stat (thermostat, and so on) and stet, the editing directive meaning â€Å"leave as it was†are all relatives of station and its derivatives. Do you have difficulty remembering when to use stationary and when to write stationery? Various mnemonic aids have been devised, the simplest of which, I think, is to think of the â€Å"ar†in stationary as are, as in â€Å"where you are.†Or remember that stationery refers to letters and envelopes and the like, and the words for those materials have es but no as. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Creative Writing 101Expanded and ExtendedHow Do You Pronounce "Often"?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 71
Reflection - Essay Example Mentorship will be the first developmental strategy and will be the primary strategy in my first year of development, and later a secondary strategy. Professional workshop will be my secondary strategy in my first and second year of development while academic learning will be my key strategy in my second year. I will evaluate my progress after the end of each development strategy and self-assessment and independent assessment by a human resource personnel will evaluate my mentorship and workshops’ outcomes while academic tests will evaluate my academic outcomes. Success in developing these skills will be of great value to a potential employer. With communication and interpersonal competencies, together with leadership and adaptability potentials, I shall be able to organize and coordinate activities in the employer’s business towards effective and efficient operations. Research and decision-making skills will also ensure sound decisions towards the employer’s interests. Developing these skills therefore promises my intra and interpersonal competencies for attaining objectives of a potential
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Case Study 8-1 Aero Marine Logistics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
8-1 Aero Marine Logistics - Case Study Example At the outset it seems that the second alternative is preferable. However, AML has expertise and capability to handle 20-foot containers. Their flatbed trailers can transport these containers. If they are to go for 40-foot containers it is not clear whether they have the capability of transporting such huge containers. Even if the transport can be arranged, it is not mentioned whether fitting larger flatbed trailers with refrigeration equipments will cost more than Rs 12 lakh. If it costs more, the second proposal may not remain more efficacious. Further, there is always a chance, albeit smaller, of one container getting waylaid or damaged. In that case, with the second proposal, the loss will be higher. Another potential risk may be that the promised 150,000 kg mushrooms per month may not be feasible. Then it will be easier to decommission one smaller container rather than one larger container. 4. Here the supply chain considered is based on an agricultural production. Mushroom is not an ordinary agricultural product. Special expertise is required for mushroom farming. Assuming the farming is done in Holland (since the port mentioned is Amsterdam), export of food item from there to India is considered. Farmers (Holland) Wholesellers/ Distributors (Holland) Food Processing Unit (Holland) Freshfoods (Holland) Shipping Company AML (India) Market (India) Consumers (India) 5. Costs are due to production (mushroom spawn, medium, labor), transport to distributors, storage, cost of freezing and storage in the Food Processing Units, power cost, containers and others as described in the case study, cost of setting up channels to market, cost of shelf display etc. At every stage labor cost is there as well as management cost. Then, even though it is not mentioned, there will be insurance premiums and shipping costs to be taken care of. Since it
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Import Regulation and Distribution Essay Example for Free
Import Regulation and Distribution Essay All goods imported into Canada are subjected to tariffs. For importing perfume pens from France, first of all, there must be a registered company in Canada which can import legally. CBSA, Canada Border Services Agency, has highlighted various steps for importing of goods into Canada. It insists that the company must apply for a â€Å"Business Number,†which is registration for an import-export account with the CRA, Canada Revenue Agency. Further, CBSA suggests that another registration is needed for the GST, Goods and Services Tax. This GST is levied on most of the goods that are imported into Canada, with exception to goods imported under NAFTA, North American Free Trade Agreement. Since perfume pens come under the category of perfumes and cosmetics, it becomes essential to consider the extra expenditure due to the tariff for importing from a manufacturing country other than the USA (in our case, France). Further, these tariffs will also vary with the ingredients of the perfume used in the imported pens. Since, the perfume pens made by the French manufacturer- Sensrise, have different fruit, oil and chocolate fragrances, it can be deduced from the CBSA tariff schedule that the tariffs will also vary. According to the IMMR, International Market Research Report from Industry Canada, import of perfumes from the USA account for 70% of Canada’s total import of these products, while France accounts only 12% of Canada’s total imports. Besides, Cosmetic Business (2003) reported that it is also mandatory to submit a Cosmetic Notification Form, CNF, to Product Safety Bureau of Health Canada. Further, it can be inferred from the report that it is the responsibility of the importer in Canada to ensure that the perfume pens must comply with the requirements of three legislations: The Food and Drug Act, The Consumer Packaging and Labeling Act, and The Canadian Broadcasting Act. Logistics and Distribution Freight charges will be levied for the cargo delivery of packed cartons of perfume pens according to the existing rates, which would depend on the mode of transportation: sea or air, the weight, the volume, and whether shipped as a single container or by sharing with other cargo. The perfume pens imported from France can be sold and distributed in the destination market of Vancouver through various channels. According to the IMMR, about 85% of the sales of cosmetics and toiletries to Canadian consumers are through retail channels like drug stores, departmental stores, mass merchandisers and food stores. A Google search lists some of the perfume distributors serving the retail markets in Vancouver. †¢ Distributors: The major perfume distributors serving the Vancouver area include: o Cosmolane, which are distributors for brands like Orlane, Annayake and Rubis o Scorpio, which are distributors for Diesel, Emporio Armani, Ralph Lauren, and to global inflight retail market o Globex, which are distributors for Gucci, Dolce Gabanna and Kenzo o Charmei Marketing Corp. and Town Distributors are also in the perfumes distribution business It must be mentioned that e-commerce can also be an effective direct marketing strategy to cater to the internet-savvy consumers. However, the IMMR warns that the consumer would still have to pay Canadian taxes and customs duties if the value of the postal or courier import exceeds the maximum permissible value. Based on the above preliminary research, it can be concluded that the French manufacturer of perfume pens, Sensrise would need a comprehensive research to devise an effective marketing strategy for selling its innovative and attractive perfume pens to the Canadian consumers. References Canada Border Services Agency. (n. d. ). A step-by-step guide to importing. Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http://www. cbsa. gc. ca/sme-pme/i-guide-eng. html Cosmetic Business. (2003). The Canadian Cosmetics Market. Retrieved from http://www. cosmetic-business. com/en/showartikel. php? art_id=22 Parent, M. (2003). International market research reports. Industry Canada. Retrieved from http://strategis. ic. gc. ca/eic/site/imr-ri. nsf/eng/gr109695. html
Friday, November 15, 2019
William S. Burroughs :: Biography Biographies Essays
William S. Burroughs     William Seward Burroughs died recently at the age of 83 in the quiet of Lawrence, Kansas. Probably no other major American writer ever received such viciously damning "praise" upon his death. Whereas the once ridiculed Ginsberg was eulogized as a major American bard, obit writers like the New York Times' Richard Severo (someone enormously unacquainted with Burroughs' work) could dismiss this oeuvre as druggy experimentation and Burroughs' audience as merely "adoring cultists." Other obit writers, hearing of cut-up techniques and randomness, seemed drawn to the cut and paste icons of their PCs, with which they cobbled lit crit phrases into gibberish. Thus, for the Associated Press, Naked Lunch "unleashed an underground world which defied narration" and was somehow written "without standard narrative prose."      What does it say about the hegemony of realistic modes, and publishers' niches, that a book, first published in Paris almost 40 years ago, still poses such a threat to establishment arbiters that it must be continuously misrepresented. The literary world, after all, is not likely to be flooded by Burroughs wannabes. Though he has influenced experimental filmmakers, conceptual artists and rock bands, his influence on writers and literature is harder to find. He left no school, few followers, no imitators. He was as unique as Joyce. But whereas countless writers all over the world attempted to incorporate Joycean techniques, few have picked up on Burroughs'.      Even back in the mid-60s, the task of mass marketing Burroughs necessitated pigeonholing his work within familiar genres. "The only American novelist living today who might conceivably be possessed by genius," Norman Mailer proclaimed on the cover of the first American paperback edition of Naked Lunch. Its publisher, Grove Press, the most important and most courageous publishing house of that time, knew what it had to do, and subsequent works like Nova Express, The Ticket That Exploded, and The Soft Machine were all pointedly labeled "a novel." Yet Burroughs then and always was "merely" writing books. He was not necessarily trying to change or explode the form of the novel.  In Burroughs' books, routines, raps, skits and rants are held together by the sinews of sharply etched narrative prose. Reading him when he first appeared was like listening to a Lenny Bruce monologue. The "characters" who appeared were all carny voices--barkers, pushers, con men seeking rubes and marks--politicians, presidents of anti-fluoride societies, script-writing old saw bones lecturing on the viral nature of bureaucracy and the State.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Benefits of Jumma Prayer
Hadhrat Ali Ibn Abu Taalib (RA) narrated: on the pulpit in the mosque of Kufah: When Friday comes, the devils go to the markets with their flags, and involve people in their needsand prevent them from the Friday prayer. The angels come early in the morning, sit at the door of the mosque, and record that so-and-so came at the first hour, and so-and-so came at the second hour until the imam comes out (for preaching). When a man sits in a place where he can listen (to the sermon) and look (at the imam), where he remains silent and does not interrupt, he will receive a double reward.If he stays away, sits in a place where he cannot listen (to the sermon), silent, and does not interrupt, he will receive the reward only once. If he sits in a place where he can listen (to the sermon) and look (at the imam), and he does not remain silent, he will have the burden of it. If anyone says to his companion sitting besides him to be silent (while the imam is preaching), he is guilty of idle talk. A nyone who interrupts (during the sermon) will receive nothing (no reward) on that Friday. Then he (the narrator) says in the end of this tradition: I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) say so. Abu Dawood 1046) 1. Jummah preparations should begin on Thursday such as clipping the nails, removing of the hair etc (Ihya aul-Uloom, vol. 1, page 161) 2. To have a bath (Ghusl) (Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah) On one Friday, Rasulallah said: â€Å"O Muslims! Allah Ta'ala has made this day a day of Eid. So have a bath on this day, whoever has perfume should apply it, and use the Miswaak. â€Å" (Ibn Majah) 3. To use Miswaak (Ibid) 4. To use Attar (Perfume) (Ibid) 5. To wear nice clothes (Abu Dawood, Chapter of Ghusl on the day of Jummah) 6. To proceed early as possible to the Masjid for JummahRasulallah (Pbuh) said: â€Å"On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that Masjid in which Jummah salaat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the Masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah. â€Å" (Bukhari and Muslim) 7. To walk to the Masjid if possible for every step is a reward of a years Nafl Fast (Tirmidhi) 8. One should listen very attentively to the khutba even if one does not understand. One should not speak or even warn another to keep quite while the khutba is in progress. 9. To try to sit as close as possible to the Imaam. (Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi) 10. If the Saffs (rows) are already filled, one should not jump over the shoulders of the musallies in order to get to the front. Abu Dawood) 11. One should not fiddle with clothes or fingers but listen attentively (Ibn Majah) 12. When Rasulallah (Pbuh) name is mentioned in the khutba then it is permissible to recite durood in the heart only without the movement of the lips or tongue. 13. Between the two khutba’s one should make dua. It is permissible to make dua without raising hands or moving the lips (I. e. dua should be made in the heart only without the movement of the lips or the tongue) (Aadaab -E – Zindagee) 14. To read: Surah Al A’ala (Sura no 87) in the first rakaat of Jummah Salah nd Surah Gaathia (Surah no 88) in the second rakaat. (Bukhari) 15. Related by Hakim and Bayhaqi, from Abu Sa`id â€Å"Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on Friday, light shall shine forth for him between the two Fridays. †(Ibn Hajar, Talkhis al- Habir) 16. Rasulallah (Pbuh) is reported to have said, â€Å"Recite Durood upon me in abundance on the day of Jummah since they are presented to me. †(Ibn Majah) 17 . Making abundant dua on Jummah Rasulallah (Pbuh) said: â€Å"There is such an hour on Friday that if any Muslim makes dua in it, his dua will definitely be accepted. †(Bukhari, Muslim) 18 .Reciting Durood 80 times after Asr: According to a Hadith recorded in Tabarani on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA) : Abu Hurraira (RA) reports that the Holy Prophet (Pbuh) said: â€Å"Whoever recites the following Durood eighty times immediately after Asr Salaat on Friday, before standing up from his place, Allah will forgive eighty years of sins and grant him the reward equivalent to eighty years of worship. †Allahumma salli alaa muhammadinin nabiyyil ummiyyi wa-ala aalihi wasallim tasleema O Allah bless Muhammad, the unlettered Prophet, and his family and grant them best of peace. Jame Sagheer) 19. Abu Hurraira narrated that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) said: The five daily prayers, and from one Jummah to the next, are an expiation for whatever sins come in between, so long as one does not comm it any major sin. (Muslim, 233) 20. It was narrated from Abu Hurraira that the Prophet (Pbuh) said: Whoever does Ghusl then comes to Jummah, and prays as much as Allah decrees for him, then listens attentively until the khutbah is over, then prays with him (the imam), will be forgiven for (his sins) between that and the next Jummah and three more days. Muslim, 857) Al-Nawawi (Ra) said: The scholars said that what is meant by his being forgiven between the two Jummah and three more days is that a good deed is worth ten like it, so he will be rewarded with ten rewards for each of the good deeds that he did on Friday. Some of our companions said: What is meant by what is between the two Jummah is from Jummah prayer and the khutbah until the same time on the following Friday, so that it will be seven days, no more and no less, then three days are added making ten in all. 21. Coming early to Jummah brings a great reward.Abu Hurraira (Ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) said: â€Å"Whoever does Ghusl on Friday like Ghusl for janaabah, then goes to the prayer (in the first hour, i. e. , early), it is as if he sacrificed a camel. Whoever goes in the second hour, it is as if he sacrificed a cow; whoever goes in the third hour, it is as if he sacrificed a horned ram; whoever goes in the fourth hour, it is as if he sacrificed a hen; and whoever goes in the fifth hour it is as if he offered an egg. When the imam comes out, the angels come to listen to the khutbah. †(Bukhari, 814 and Muslim, 850) 2. If a person walks to Jummah prayer, for every step he will have the reward of fasting and praying qiyaam for one year. It was narrated from Aws ibn Aws al-Thaqafi that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) said: Whoever does Ghusl on Friday and causes (his wife) to do Ghusl, and sets out early, and comes close to the imam and listens and keeps quiet, for every step he takes he will have the reward of fasting and praying qiyaam for one year. †(al-Tirmidhi, 496 ) Ibn al-Qayyim (Ra) said in Zaad al-Maa’aad, 1/285: Finally after quoting the hadith which speak of the virtues of Jummah prayer:What we have quoted, when taken all together, indicates that the expiation of sins from one Friday to the next is subject to all the conditions mentioned above being met, namely doing Ghusl, cleaning oneself, putting on perfume, wearing one's best clothes, walking in a calm and dignified manner, not stepping over people, not pushing between two people, not offending others, praying nafil prayers, listening attentively and avoiding idle speech. May Allah give us the ability to act upon all of these virtuous deeds and Sunnah of Rasulallah (Pbuh). Ameen  ¦
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Distracted Driving Essay
Distracted Driving is a selfish and very dangerous way to drive. Over 3,000 people each year are killed due to either driving distracted or being hit by someone who is distracted. There are many types of distracted driving and all are equally as dangerous. Examples of distracted driving include texting, eating, talking to a passenger, adjusting a radio or iPod, and anything involving your phone or a gps. Any kind of distracted driving is a bad idea and can end in serious injuries or fatalities. Distracted driving has numerous definitions. Whether it be eating, drowsy driving, using your phone, talking to a friend, or being distracted by something on the side of the road, they are all very dangerous and can end with someone using their life. Many people believe that they may be a good driver even when being distracted by other things but it is usually not the case. Even if you get away with driving distracted, it wont always be that way, and you never know when your luck will run out. As good as you may be at multitasking while driving it is never a good idea. If the thing is that important you should pull to the side of the road or wait until you get to your destination to do what you need to do. Texting and driving is one of the highest causes of crashes and fatalities. One of the groups that is most at risk is teens 16-20. This age group is not only new and inexperienced drivers but they are also very distracted by cell phones and music. When you are texting and driving the minimal amount of time that your attention is taken by your phone is 5 seconds. This not only puts you in danger but it also puts others on the road in a lot of danger as well. As important as receiving or sending a text may be, it can wait long enough to keep your life, and others, safe. If it is too tempting for you to use your phone or iPod while you are driving there are many ways you can combat this urge. All you need to do is throw your phone in the backseat or in the glove compartment and your urge is gone. You can also put your phone on silent or turn it off if the vibration or sounds of receiving texts distracts you. Any of these quick alternatives is a great idea to save your life as well as others on the road with you. Talking to a passenger or on your phone is a dangerous distraction as well. If you are on your phone, you may think that your attention is on the road but your attention is drawn away and focused on your call. Even if you use a hands-free device you still have a large amount of your attention drawn away. Talking to a passenger in your car can be more dangerous because they are able to distract you and interact with you more. This can be helpful if they are alerting you of obstacles but if they are being distractive it can be a large distraction. If they are posing a bigger distraction than a help then you should let them know that you are distracting you from the road. Although it may offend or anger them, it can pay off in the long run. Another minor way of being of distracted is things in your eyesight. Someone running alongside the road, something happening ahead of you or to the side, and anything that will take your attention is a distraction. Things like this can seem minor but they can impair your attention. Although you don’t want to tune these things out of your attention, because they can cause accidents, you need to not only be aware of these things but not let them distract you to a point where you cant notice what is going on around you. There are 3 main types of distracted driving; cognitive, visual and manual. Cognitive distractions are when you mind isn’t focused on driving. These can include talking to someone in your car and just daydreaming. Even listening to music can take your mind off driving and distract you. This may seem like a minor distraction but it can be very large. A visual distraction is anything that involves the driver taking his or her eyes off the road. This is common in all age groups; adults will check their kid’s seatbelts and almost everyone will use a GPS, iPod, phone or dvd player. All of these things that involve you taking your eyes off the road are considered a visual distraction. The last type of distraction is manual. A manual distraction is when you take one or both hands off the wheel for any reason at anytime while driving. A manual distraction can include eating or drinking, adjusting a GPS or iPod, reaching for something, or even adjusting your seat. One of the reasons that texting ids one of the most dangerous thing you can do while driving is because it involves all 3 types of distracted driving. There are many ways that you can avoid using any of these types of distracted driving. The first way to avoid these three is to turn off your phone, even if you are expecting an important call. Another tip is to get a hands-free device if you really need to. This is not a great idea to use because it is just as dangerous as using the phone itself. Also, if you are driving with kids and/or pets make sure they are strapped in and secured so that they don’t pose a distraction while they are driving. If you need to eat or drink, finish it before you start driving, or wait until after. The last is, if you use a gps, program it before you start driving. All of these reasons are great examples to stop driving distracted. Driving while distracted is elfish and cost you, and others their lives. It’s a simple choice, just wait to start or finish your task.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Why Latinos Should Oppose Bilingual Education
â€Å"Nationwide, about 3.5 million public school students don’t know English well enough to succeed in a regular classroom. Some school districts must accommodate children from 60 or more language groupsmany who are five or six years old and entering school for the first time, others who are older and may or may not have attended school in their homeland.†Most of these children in years past would have been expected to learn the English on their own, â€Å"sinking or swimming.†Many children did not learn this way. Bilingual programs did not devote enough time to English, so most students spent years in the programs, never really progressing. However, Christian Dominguez, a seven year old boy went from not speaking a word of English to being able to read whole books in English. In 1998, Californians voted against bilingual education and adopted â€Å"English immersion†programs. Most bilingual educators were opposed to the program at first, but tw o years later test scores had risen from the 19 percentile to the 40 percentile for limited-English-proficient students. And not just in one district, it occurred in the districts that had implemented the English immersion program in place of the bilingual education. In districts that refused to implement the program, scores did not change. Opposer of the change, Kenji Hakuta told reporters that â€Å"the scores were meaningless because the tests themselves were designed for native English speakers†. That makes the argument point even stronger for English immersion. Eventually, people started to catch on that the best way to teach any language is to teach in that language. Washington has not been so ready to pick up on California’s experience, and is still increasing funding to programs that do not work. However, â€Å"thousands of California students like Dominquez will be making steady progress toward realizing their American Dream thanks to their newfound com mand of English.ï ¿ ½... Free Essays on Why Latinos Should Oppose Bilingual Education Free Essays on Why Latinos Should Oppose Bilingual Education â€Å"Nationwide, about 3.5 million public school students don’t know English well enough to succeed in a regular classroom. Some school districts must accommodate children from 60 or more language groupsmany who are five or six years old and entering school for the first time, others who are older and may or may not have attended school in their homeland.†Most of these children in years past would have been expected to learn the English on their own, â€Å"sinking or swimming.†Many children did not learn this way. Bilingual programs did not devote enough time to English, so most students spent years in the programs, never really progressing. However, Christian Dominguez, a seven year old boy went from not speaking a word of English to being able to read whole books in English. In 1998, Californians voted against bilingual education and adopted â€Å"English immersion†programs. Most bilingual educators were opposed to the program at first, but tw o years later test scores had risen from the 19 percentile to the 40 percentile for limited-English-proficient students. And not just in one district, it occurred in the districts that had implemented the English immersion program in place of the bilingual education. In districts that refused to implement the program, scores did not change. Opposer of the change, Kenji Hakuta told reporters that â€Å"the scores were meaningless because the tests themselves were designed for native English speakers†. That makes the argument point even stronger for English immersion. Eventually, people started to catch on that the best way to teach any language is to teach in that language. Washington has not been so ready to pick up on California’s experience, and is still increasing funding to programs that do not work. However, â€Å"thousands of California students like Dominquez will be making steady progress toward realizing their American Dream thanks to their newfound com mand of English.ï ¿ ½...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Rules of Capitalization in Spanish
Rules of Capitalization in Spanish Spanish uses far fewer capital letters than does English. With only two exceptions - Spanish capitalizes Sol and Luna when they refer to the Earths sun and moon, respectively - whenever Spanish capitalizes a word, the corresponding word in English is capitalized. But the opposite is far from true; there are numerous instances where English capitalizes that Spanish does not. What Spanish does capitalize are proper names for people, places, holidays, newspapers, and magazines; abbreviations of personal titles such as Dr. (Dr.), Sr. (Mr.), Sra. (Mrs.), and Srta. (Miss); and the first word in the titles of books, plays, movies, and similar works. Here are the most common cases where English capitalizes that Spanish does not: Calendar Names of the days of the week and months of the year use lower-case letters. Hoy es martes. (Today is Tuesday.) Mà ©xico celebra su independencia el 16 de septiembre. (Mexico celebrates its independence on September 16.) Composition Titles In formal written Spanish, titles of movies, books, plays, and similar works capitalize only the first word and proper nouns. La guerra de las galaxias (Star Wars), Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone) Note: In informal written Spanish, and on book covers and movie posters, it is not unusual to see such composition titles capitalized as in English. Personal Titles Introductory titles are not capitalized, although common abbreviations of them (such as Sr. for seà ±or, Dr. for doctor, D. for don and Srta. for seà ±orita) are.  ¿Conoces a la seà ±ora Wilson? (Do you know Mrs. Wilson?)  ¿Conoces a la Sra. Wilson? (Do you know Mrs. Wilson?) La reina Victoria fue mi abuela. (Queen Victoria was my grandmother.) Religions Names of religions and their adherents arent capitalized. Mi madre es catà ³lica. (My mother is Catholic.) Estudio el cristianismo. (Im studying Christianity.) Ordinal Numbers When an ordinal number is used after a name, it isnt capitalized. Luis catorce (Luis the Fourteenth), Carlos octavo (Charles the Eighth.) If Roman numerals are used, they are capitalized. Place Names Although the given name of rivers, lakes, mountains and other geographic features are capitalized, the geographical identity is not. No vimos el rà o Amazonas. (We didnt see the Amazon River.) Vivimos cerca de la montaà ±a Rainier. (We live near Mount Rainier.) Nationality Although names of countries and cities are capitalized, words derived from them are not. Soy inglà ©s. (Im English.) Prefiero los cocos puertorriqueà ±os. (I prefer the Puerto Rican coconuts.) Languages Names of languages arent capitalized. Hablo inglà ©s. (I speak English.) Quiero estudiar alemn. (I want to study German.) Sample Sentences on Spanish Capitalization Habà negociaciones de paz entre el gobierno del presidente Juan Manuel Santos y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia. (There were peace negotiations between the government of Presidente Juan Manual Santos and the Armed Revolutionary Forces of Colombia. The presidents title isnt capitalized, but the formal name of FARC is because it is considered a proper noun.) Los musulmanes catalanes son ms que una comunidad. (Catalonian Muslims are more than a community. References to the geographic origin or religious affiliations of people are not capitalized.) El rà o Danubio atraviesa varios paà ses de Europa antes de desembocar en el Mar negro. (The Danube River crosses several European countries before emptying into the Black Sea. Only the given names of the river and sea are capitalized.) El rey Lear es una tragedia de Shakespeare. King Lear is a Shakespeare tragedy. (Rey is not capitalized, even though it is part of the play title as well as a personal title.) Herodes murià ³ el aà ±o 4 a. de C. (Herod died in 4 B.C. Only the letter standing for the name of a person is capitalized in this abbreviation. The abbreviation stands for antes de Cristo.) El doctor Romero es un conocido veterinario de Buenos Aires. El Dr. Romero es un conocide veterinario de Buenos Aires. (Dr. Romero is a well-known Buenos Aires veterinarian. His title is capitalized when abbreviated but not otherwise.) Herodes murià ³ el aà ±o 4 a. de C. (Herod died in 4 B.C. Only the letter standing for the name of a person is capitalized in this abbreviation. The abbreviation stands for antes de Cristo.) Las Naciones Unidas es una organizacià ³n internacional formada por 192 paà ses independientes. (The United Nations is an international organization formed by 192 independent countries. Names of organizations are capitalized as in English.) El budismo es una religià ³n oriental que tiene muchos creyentes occidentales. (Buddhism is an Eastern religion that has many Western believers. Names of religions are not capitalized, even when named after a person. Neither are geographical words such as oriental unless they refer to a specific entity, such as in Europa Oriental for Eastern Europe.)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Job Fair Brochure and Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Job Fair Brochure and - Research Paper Example People know the company very well and this approach has established credibility and integrity of the company. Over the past few years, especially with the addition of Suptuous Ballroom, the profit margins have improved, sales increased and operating expenses have be reduced from 45% to 40%. Size/Growth – its effect and how management perceives it: Two staff accounts managers work under the company founder Rudy Electrum, each one handling a portfolio of clients. But positive aspect of being of small size is that company is more organic and lenient. The employees know each other very well and trust in each other. Vision/Mission Statement – What it says about the firm, and how management works toward it: There is no vision as such communicated by the management and CEO of the company but still employees have a dream of making Sumptuous Cuisine Cataering, a global catering company. Company has a mission to make the clients believe in them and trust them. Core Competencies: Company has a specific methodology of providing service according to international standards which is transparent, fluid and specialized. Moreover, its employees have high integrity, professionalism and dedication that assists them to mange and exceede client’s expectations. Client preferences, intersts and vision is held primary even if it requires unpopular decisions. Culture: The company has an informal atmosphere and all the employees know each other well. They work like a team and understand each other and work with coordination and collaboration. Due to long lasting relationship of the employees with the company, the employees understand the values and core competencies of the company which help them to perform their responsibilities well. Company has no international affiliation at this moment. The employees are self motivated to help the company to achieve its short term and long term goals. Employs believe the achievement of goals of the company as their reward. Lead ership/Decision Making: Company works under highly centralized decision making but as environment is like a team and family structure, so democracy helps in making some decisions but ultimate power lies with the founding partners Rudy Electrum and Tosca Cabrini. Leadership is very much encouraged in the company but only if you have guts and skills. Talent, skills and proposals of good projects are encouraged. Self motivation is there in the employees but as decision making is centralized, there is very limited empowerment. Recognizing & Rewarding Performance: There are no special rewards and recognitions, but only those of normal course of business. Employees believe themselves to be the incredible parts of the company and are self motivated. Innovation – Management’s perspective & the firm’s goals: Sumptuous Cuisine Catering is planning to open a Sumptuous Ballroom, to enable the company attain its future goals of becoming a â€Å"true one-stop shop†for all-inclusive events by creative competitive edge. Interaction – Marketing, personalization, and customization: Sumptuous Cuisine Catering is a professional organization and it follows the various media strategies for the promotion of its new Sumptuous Ballrom. Company is still new in the locality yet it has developed a strong credibility and integrity. People know the company very well. So marketing happens through word of mouth and transfer of business cards at dinners and in the events. Mostly, we reach our customers through the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Government and Non-governmental Organizations Essay
Government and Non-governmental Organizations - Essay Example Many a times the international community does not even protest against such atrocities and it is only after the levels of atrocities exceed all levels of human degradation that corrective measures are to some extent enforced. Non-governmental organizations meanwhile are allowed to act only when the governments where such atrocities happen allow them to operate effectively in a non-biased manner. However, non-governmental organizations fortunately are the first ones to report, condemn and to request world community to intervene to stop the wrong doings. In their limited ways they do try to help as much as they can, but most of the times their efforts cover only a small percentage of the assistance that is overall required. In these essay, while we shall be comparing and contrasting the roles of governments and non-governmental organizations we shall without intention also be critical of these two important functionary bodies. In this context, we shall be referring to the major genocidal events in our last century in each of which people in their tens of thousands were the victims of mass killings. These are the Holocaust, the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia, the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the freely allowed blood baths in Rwanda. When we compare some of these atrocities, the main similarities we observe is they happened because of the state government policies of these countries which encouraged ethnic cleansing as a method of subduing the minorities or completely wipe them out from as a people. While we shall not touch upon the subject of political killings that occurred in Argentine, Chile, Guatemala and continues to happen in Indonesia, Zimbabwe, Palestine and other countries, the role s of governments and non-governmental organizations here too are significantly important if they are freely and fairly implemented. The Holocaust happened because Germany as a state with a parliamentary type of democracy under Hitler was allowed to degenerate into a totalitarian Nazi state that controlled every segment of the German society. Its public policies developed because the German population remained silent towards the racial and genocidal policies towards the Jews and other minority groups because of Hitler's philosophical views that were elaborated in his Mein Kampf that led to the Nazi government's policy of murder and extermination. Policies that were on similar extreme lines in Cambodia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Rwanda were allowed and the international governments intervened only when their national interests involved. While the Holocaust was enforced by a economically and militarily very strong and dominating Germany during World War II, the other genocides could have been prevented had international gov
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